No one disputes the idea that if you want to raise quality of hire, you need to hire more passive candidates. But hiring more passive candidates involves an entirely different process than hiring active candidates.
The most important step is having a job that represents a true career move. The second most important step is ensuring the prospect doesn’t opt out of the conversation too soon before learning if the job is a true career move. If you want to hire more passive candidates you need to master both of these concepts. Here’s how to get started.
How to successfully recruit passive candidates
1. Instantly shift to a career-based discussion
“Would you be open to explore a situation if it put you on a better long-term career trajectory?” is a much better question to ask than asking if the person is interested in considering your ill-defined, awesome job. Most passive candidates are willing to casually discuss potential career moves but few are willing to consider some short-term job change.
2. Use permission marketing
Don’t start pitching your job when the prospect agrees to a career discussion. A yes to the “open to explore” question means you have about 5-10 minutes to make your case that your job is worth another discussion. This is a permission marketing technique that’s essential for successfully recruiting passive candidates.
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